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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Enable the Port 7150 Baan Login

Can also use baanlogin protocol this is taken from solution 70306

1. Rexec versus BaanLogin method

When using the BaanLogin method password information is send in a encrypted way.

Short description of The BaanLogin functionality:

The BaanLogin functionality provides:

* The BaanLogin protocol.
* A client-side interface for the BaanLogin protocol.
* A daemon that will act as a server for BaanLogin.
* A changed BaanLogicService on Windows/NT that supports the BaanLogin protocol.
* The possibility to select between the BaanLogin- and rexec-protocol based on additional information in configuration files.

To be able to accept BaanLogin-requests, the BaanLogin daemon must be started and running at the Baan server.
And, at the client side, BW has to be configured to use the BaanLogin method.

Windows NT:

The daemon runs as a service and is implemented in the BaanLogicService.
To enable BaanLogin-request configure the BaanLogic Service as follows: 
> Start the Baan NT Manager on the Baan -NT server.
> Select the Logic service, and click on it with your right mouse button
> Select Protocol...
Now a window pops up having the following fields:

O Rexec
O BaanLogin

Port ....
ONamed Pipe

To enable the BaanLogin protocol mark the checkbox in front of BaanLogin.

Selection of the correct Port number:
When enabling only Rexec protocol you have to choose Port 512.
This is because the Rexec protocol is hardcoded to port 512.
So, also when enabling both Rexec and BaanLogin protocol you have to use port 512.
When enabling only the BaanLogin protocol the default port is 7150. You can change this to another portnumber.

After stopping & starting the BaanLogic service the new settings will become active.

To disable BaanLogin request turn off the BaanLogin option again and restart the BaanLogic service.


Check the permission of Blogind6.2


The BaanLogin functionality is implemented as a daemon process: blogind6.x

To enable BaanLogin-request do the following::

Usage: blogind6.1 [-vV] [-d] [-p Portnumber] [-kK]

> Log in as root at the Baan Unix server because you must have root permission to start the BaanLogin daemon.
> Take care the BSE environment variables are correctly set.
> Start the BaanLogin daemon process as follows:

blogind6.1 -p Portnumber

When you start blogind6.1 without specifying any options it will default take port 7150.
To run the blogind6.1 in a kind of debug mode specify the -d option, for example:

# blogind6.1 -d
# Daemon: listen for first connection.

Daemon: Incoming connection, spawn child.
Deamon: revert to listen-mode.
Child: handle BaanLogin request.
Child: received: user kvddool, action 1
bseEnv /c1/b40c/bse/bin/ipc_boot, bseVersion 6.1
Child: logon for kvddool OK.
Child: pwd status = -5, message = -2005: The aging for name is turned off.
Child: starting /c1/b40c/bse/bin/ipc_boot6.1.

Here you see someone logs on successfully using the BaanLogin method.

To stop the BaanLogin daemon execute the following command:
blogind6.1 -k

To configure the client to use the BaanLogin method follow these steps:

> Start BW Configuration 
> Select Method: BaanLogin
> The portnumber will be set to the default: 7150
The portnumber must be the same number as the one you configured the BaanLogic Service (Windows NT) for or you specified when starting the blogind.6.x (UNIX). 
> Save the configurarion and login Baan.

When the BaanLogin protocol is selected the following entries are written into the .bwc file:

When the Rexec protocol is selected the following entries are written into the .bwc file:

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