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Thursday, July 20, 2017

Installation Fails with the error "Database pre-install checks failed"

 I have created /root/Desktop/oraapps122 Stage directory under root $HOME where as I am performing a single node installation with oracle user. Oracle user could not write to /root directory and the error message is populating continuously. The permissions issue was not reported anywhere in the logs.


Moved the Stage directory from /root/Desktop/oraapps122 to /ora and given ownership to oracle user then the installation moved further.

# copy zip files from /root/Desktop/oraapps122 to /ora/oraapps122

#chown -R oracle:dba oraapps122

If this error encounters, check for the permissions on stage area. Oracle & applmgr user should be able to read/write to the stage directory. cd to stage area with oracle & application users. 

Create the Directory structure as following:
[root@apps ~]# mkdir /ora/oraapps122
[root@apps ~]# chown -R oracle:dba /ora/oracle/CRP/oraInventory

We need to copy the all above zip files into /ora/oraapps122/ and change the permission to oracle:dba and change the mode(chmod 775 /ora/oraapps122)
Create the oraInventory Directory as following:
[root@apps ~]# mkdir /ora/oracle/CRP/oraInventory
[root@apps ~]# chown -R oralce:dba /ora/oracle/CRP/oraInventory
[root@apps ~]# chmod -R 775 /ora/oracle/CRP/oraInventory
goto /etc and edit the oraInst.loc file and set the oraInventory location as following:
[root@apps etc]# vi oraInst.loc
[root@apps etc]# cat oraInst.loc

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