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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

RW-20006 error - database port value is not valid

While installation Oracle EBS R12.2 getting error...Actually I deleted all (APPS & DB Home) folders because installation was failed but instance working so I just killed the process.

... Error:- Database Port value is not valid:port value = 1521 DB ONS Local port value=6300 ... RW-20006: Error:- Database Port value is not valid: ...

[root@localhost VIS]# ps -ef|grep VIS

root      4087 31667  0 11:11 pts/6    00:00:00 grep VIS

oracle   19255     1  0 Jul31 ?        00:00:00 /ora/ora122/VIS/11.2.0/bin/tnsls        nr VIS -inherit

[root@localhost VIS]# kill -9 19255

[root@localhost VIS]# ps -ef|grep VIS

root      4090 31667  0 11:11 pts/6    00:00:00 grep VIS

[root@localhost VIS]#


  1. I have faced those problem. can u give me any solution? RW-20006: Error: - Database Port value is not valid: port value = 1523
    RW-20006: Error: - WLS Admin Server Port value is not valid: port value = 7001
    RW-20006: Error: - Forms Port value is not valid: port value = 9000

  2. I have faced those problem. can u give me any solution? RW-20006: Error: - Database Port value is not valid: port value = 1523
    RW-20006: Error: - WLS Admin Server Port value is not valid: port value = 7001
    RW-20006: Error: - Forms Port value is not valid: port value = 9000

  3. Hi Sufal,
    Did u installed EBS on same machine...if yes then follow the above procedure if not then u change port while installation EBS.

    Hope it will help u.

