extract to the following path
and run the nbcc as per the processor bits.
root@ERP # ./NBCC
1.0 Gathering initial NBCC information
1.1 Obtaining initial NetBackup configuration information
NBCC is being run on NetBackup master server
2.0 Gathering required NetBackup configuration information
If NBCC is unable to determine the NetBackup version for
ANY detected media server, is there a SINGLE version of NetBackup
that you would like associated to these media servers? [Y/y,N/n] y
Please enter the NetBackup primary version number [6,7] 7
If NBCC detects images that were written by media servers
that are not known to NetBackup, would you like NBCC to:
1. Stop now, since I know of such media servers, and I wish to
resolve these before running NBCC again
2. Prompt me again, after NBCC has processed all images, so
that I can designate the media server that full analysis will
use to INHERIT ALL of the image copies associated to the
unknown media servers
3. Prompt me again, after NBCC has processed ALL images, so that I
can select the course of action to take for EACH media server
4. Flag ALL of the unknown media servers so that full analysis will
mark all of their related image copies to be EXPIRED
5. Flag ALL of the unknown media servers so that full analysis will
generate COMMENTED out repairs that can be reviewed
[1,2,3,4,5] 5
2.1 Determining the date format to use with NetBackup commands...
Using the date format /mm/dd/yyyy
2.2 Building EMM host configuration information...
Detected the EMM Server hostname
Detected the EMM master server hostname
2.3 Obtaining EMM server aliases...
EMM aliases for detected EMM Server
EMM aliases for detected master server
2.4 Building NetBackup storage unit list...
Detected tape media storage unit host
Detected disk media storage unit host
2.5 Analyzing EMM master and/or media servers and configured
Storage Units...
2.6 Obtaining NetBackup unrestricted media sharing status...
Configuration state = NO
2.7 Obtaining NetBackup Media Server Groups...
No Server Groups configured
2.8 Building NetBackup retention level list
3.0 Obtaining NetBackup version from media servers
3.1 Gathering required NetBackup catalog information
Start time = 2013-07-09 10:34:31
3.2 Gathering NetBackup EMM conflict table list
Found 0 EMM conflict records
3.3 Gathering list of all tapes associated with any Active Jobs
Building NetBackup bpdbjobs list
No active jobs found
3.4 Building NetBackup Image database contents list
Found 664 images in the Image database
3.5 Unloading the NBDB database
Reading the reload.sql file...
Reading the Machine table file...
Counting the number of records in the Image table file...
Found 0 records.
Counting the number of records in the Image Copy table file...
Found 0 records.
Counting the number of records in the Image Fragments table file...
Found 0 records.
Relocating the unloaded NBDB database files...
3.6 Building EMM database Media and Device configuration
attribute lists
Obtaining the EMM database Media attribute list for tape
master server
backupserver-baan ...
There were 69 bpmedialist records detected for media server
Getting device configuration data from server
backupserver-baan ...
Found 69 media records in the EMM database
3.7 Building EMM database Unrestricted Sharing media attribute lists
Found 0 Unrestricted Sharing media records in the EMM database
3.8 Building the EMM database Volume attribute list...
Getting the EMM database Volume attributes from EMM server
backupserver-baan ...
Found 108 Volume attribute records in the EMM database
3.9 Building NetBackup volume pool configuration list
EMM Server backupserver-baan
3.10 Building NetBackup scratch pool configuration list
EMM Server backupserver-baan
3.11 Gathering NetBackup EMM merge table list
Found 0 EMM merge table records
Catalog data gathering took 25 seconds to complete.
4.0 Verifying required catalog components were gathered
5.0 Beginning NetBackup catalog consistency check
Start time = 2013-07-09 10:34:56
5.1 There were no tape media involved in active NetBackup jobs
5.3 Processing EMM database Volume attribute records, pass 1 (of 2),
108 records to be processed
Processed 87 EMM database Volume attribute records.
5.4 NetBackup catalog consistency check completed
End time = 2013-07-09 10:34:56
5.5 Checking for the latest NBCCR repair output directory
No repair file output directory detected.
6.1 Preparing to create support package...
6.2 Analyzing available bundling programs...
Utilizing tar
Utilizing gzip
6.3 Identifying output files to include in support package...
6.4 Analyzing disk usage...
6.5 Using tar to create the support package
6.6 Cleaning up output files...
6.7 Compressing the backupserver-baan_NBCC_20130709_103416.tar support package using gzip...
NBCC has successfully created a support package named
This file is located in the directory
Please deliver it to Symantec NetBackup Support for analysis.
root@ERP #