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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

How to open Oracle Apps R12 forms in Internet Explorer 11 (IE. 11)


Installed E-business Suite 12.2 on Linux Oracle VM.

We installed EBS 12.2 and when we tried to open forms in IE11, it threw a message "In order to access this application, you must install the J2SE Plugin version 1.6.0_27. To install this plugin, click here to download the oaj2se.exe executable. Once the download is complete, double-click the oaj2se.exe file to install the plugin. You will be prompted to restart your browser when the installation.


1. Java Control Panel.

2) In internet explorer 11, navigate to Tools –> Compatibility View Settings. Then add the Domain name in the URL (ex: oraebs12.localdomain) using the Add this website option.

3) Navigate to Tools –> Internet options –> Security. Select the Internet and click on Custom level. Scroll down till the end of the options and change the option Enable XSS filter to  Disable.

4) Add EBS URL as Intranet Site in Internet Options to avoid most of the Java security-related issues.

 This solution worked for me and I am able to open R12 forms in Internet Explorer version 11.