If you are not sure which ports are used check this file: /u01/app/oracle/product/forms112/fr_binaries/install/portlist.in
Web logic Installation done.
Forms/Report Installation done.
Form/Report Configuration done.
[root@oraerptest config]# cat default.env
# default.env - default Forms environment file, Linux version
# This file is used to set the Forms runtime environment parameters.
# If a parameter is not defined here, the value used will be that defined
# in the environment in which the WLS Managed Server was started.
# Configuration assitant will replace all the macro's with
# the actual values.
# TNS Entry to locate the database
# Search path for Forms applications (.fmx files, PL/SQL libraries)
# WebUtil config file path. WebUtil is available for download from OTN.
# Disable/remove this variable if end-users need access to the query-where
# functionality which potentially allows them to enter arbitrary SQL
# statements when in enter-query mode.
# Java class path
# This is required for the Forms debugger
# You can append your own Java code here)
# frmsrv.jar and ldapjclnt11.jar are required for
# the password expiry feature to work(2213140).
# The PATH setting is not required for Forms if the Forms executables are
# in <ORACLE_HOME>/bin.JDK/bin is also required for dejvm to be
# auto-started by frmweb
# Settings for Reports
# -------------------------------
# NOTE: This setting is only needed if Reports applications
# are called from Forms applications
# However, because of bug 2336698 where a report is started from
# a forms debugger session with an already running JVM, then
# the report's class path should also be included in the forms
# class path.
# We no longer need to set REPORTS_CLASSPATH as forms will
# always start the JVM before calling reports.
# Settings for Forms tracing and logging
# -----------------------------------------------
# Note: By default tracing and logging directory is
# $ORACLE_INSTANCE/FormsComponent/forms/trace
# To change the trace directory this entry has to be uncommented and set to
# desired directory for tracing and logging
# Settings for Javascript events
# -----------------------------------------------
# Note: If this variable is set to false then the triggers and
# built-ins associated with javascript events are disabled
# System settings
# ---------------
# You should not normally need to modify these settings
# Path for shared library objects
# This is highly platform (if not machine) specific ! At install time
# <percent>LD_LIBRARY_PATH<percent> should be replaced with the
# actual value of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable (at install
# time). That should ensure we have the paths for such necessities as
# the motif and X11 libraries.
# Explanations:
# - Reports needs the path for libjava.so
# (.../jre/lib/sparc)
# - Forms needs two paths to the jre, for libjvm.so and libhpi.so
# - In JDK 1.4.1 the location of libjvm.so is lib/sparc (there is no
# classic directory) so we do not include the .../classic directory
# below. There are other versions of libjvm.so (in directories server,
# client and hotspot) but we will use the version in lib/sparc for now.
# Setting to take care of signal-chaining facility offered by JVM 1.5
# Without this Forms/Reports integration could have issues on Unix/Linux
[root@oraerptest config]#
Application Side
[root@oraerptest /]# cd /u01/app/oracle/product/forms112/instances/FRinst/config/
[root@oraerptest config]# ls
EMAGENT FRComponent OHS reports ReportsToolsComponent
FormsComponent JPS OPMN ReportsServerComponent tnsnames.ora
[root@oraerptest config]# cat tnsnames.ora
# sample tnsnames.ora file added by the Formsconfiguration assistant.
#sample entry
# (HOST = <HOST>)(PORT = <PORT)))
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oraerptest.com)(PORT = 1521))
Database Side
[oracle@oraerptest admin]$ cat listener.ora
# listener.ora Network Configuration File: /u02/oradb/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/network/admin/listener.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oraerptest.com)(PORT = 1521))
ADR_BASE_LISTENER = /u02/oradb
[oracle@oraerptest admin]$ cat tnsnames.ora
# tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: /u02/oradb/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oraerptest.com)(PORT = 1521))
[oracle@oraerptest admin]$
Now access the forms using below link
Oracle Forms – http://oraerptest.com:8888/forms/frmservlet