I getting below error while changing db_file_name_convert.
SQL> alter system set db_file_name_convert='/ora_dat/drssaerp','/ora_dat/ssaerp','/ora_idx/drssaerp','/ora_idx/ssaerp';
ORA-02096 "Specified initialization parameter is not modifiable with this option
SQL> alter system set db_file_name_convert='/ora_dat/drssaerp','/ora_dat/ssaerp','/ora_idx/drssaerp','/ora_idx/ssaerp';
Altered System.
Restart the database once after that u can see the modified parameter.
SQL> show parameter log_file_name_convert
log_file_name_convert string /ora_dat/drssaerp/, /ora_dat/ssaerp
SQL> show parameter db_file_name_convert
db_file_name_convert string /ora_dat/drssaerp/, /ora_dat/ssaerp/,
/ora_idx/drssaerp/, /ora_idx/ssaerp/
To see the list of parameters which are session level or system level modifiable, you can query the V$PARAMETER view like below:
SQL> Select name,isses_modifiable,issys_modifiable from v$parameter;
ORA-02096 "Specified initialization parameter is not modifiable with this option
Cause: Though the initialization parameter is modifiable, it cannot be modified using the specified command.
Action: Check the DBA Guide for information about under what scope the parameter may be modified