Installation Netbackup 7.5 Client
root@afi-ssaerp2 # ls
Doc LICENSE NBClients VSM_README install
root@afi-ssaerp2 # ./install
Symantec Installation Script
Copyright 1993 - 2012 Symantec Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
Installing NetBackup Client Software
the installation media before proceeding. The agreement includes
details on the NetBackup Product Improvement Program.
For NetBackup installation and upgrade information specific to your
platform and to find out if your installed EEBs or hot fixes are
contained in this release, check out the Symantec Operations Readiness
Tools (SORT) Installation and Upgrade Checklist and Hot fix and EEB
Release Auditor, respectively, at
Do you wish to continue? [y,n] (y)
Do you want to install the NetBackup client software for this client? [y,n] (y)
This package will install Solaris/Solaris10 client.
This package will install NetBackup client 7.5.
Enter the name of the NetBackup server : backupserver-baan
Would you like to use "afi-ssaerp2" as the configured
name of the NetBackup client? [y,n] (y)
Client binaries are located in /tmp/NetBackup_7.5_CLIENTS/NBClients/anb/Clients/ usr/openv/netbackup/client/Solaris/Solaris10.
NetBackup Deduplication software is incorrectly installed.
/etc/pdregistry.cfg was unexpectedly found.
Moving to /etc/pdregistry.cfg.2013-07-16_12:58 in order to continue.
Saving client binaries for Solaris/Solaris10.
Installing PBX...
A more up-to-date version is already installed. Nothing to upgrade for package VRTSpbx
Installation log located here: /var/tmp/installpbx-20395-071613125958.log
Unpacking SYMCnbclt package.
Checking for pre-existing SYMCnbclt package.
Removing pre-existing SYMCnbclt package.
Jul 16 13:01:16 afi-ssaerp2 sendmail[20576]: [ID 702911 mail.alert] unable to qualify my own domain name (afi-ssaerp2) -- using short name
Installing SYMCnbclt package.
Jul 16 13:02:49 afi-ssaerp2 sendmail[20618]: [ID 702911 mail.alert] unable to qualify my own domain name (afi-ssaerp2) -- using short name
Installation of SYMCnbclt was successful.
More details regarding SYMCnbclt can be found in file
/tmp/install_cltpkg_trace.20317 on afi-ssaerp2.
Terminating NetBackup and/or Media Manager processes.
Installing NB-Java.
Unpacking SYMCnbjava package.
Checking for pre-existing SYMCnbjava package.
Removing pre-existing SYMCnbjava package.
Jul 16 13:04:43 afi-ssaerp2 sendmail[21195]: [ID 702911 mail.alert] unable to qualify my own domain name (afi-ssaerp2) -- using short name
Installing SYMCnbjava package.
Jul 16 13:06:04 afi-ssaerp2 sendmail[21216]: [ID 702911 mail.alert] unable to qualify my own domain name (afi-ssaerp2) -- using short name
Installation of SYMCnbjava was successful.
More details regarding SYMCnbjava can be found in file
/tmp/install_javapkg_trace.21138 on afi-ssaerp2.
Unpacking SYMCnbjre package.
Checking for pre-existing SYMCnbjre package.
Removing pre-existing SYMCnbjre package.
Jul 16 13:07:15 afi-ssaerp2 sendmail[21269]: [ID 702911 mail.alert] unable to qualify my own domain name (afi-ssaerp2) -- using short name
Installing SYMCnbjre package.
Jul 16 13:08:25 afi-ssaerp2 sendmail[21290]: [ID 702911 mail.alert] unable to qualify my own domain name (afi-ssaerp2) -- using short name
Installation of SYMCnbjre was successful.
More details regarding SYMCnbjre can be found in file
/tmp/install_jrepkg_trace.21138 on afi-ssaerp2.
+ /bin/cp ./nbj.conf /usr/openv/java
Directory /usr/openv/logs does not exist.
No log files to migrate.
Checking network connections.
bp.conf: IP_ADDRESS_FAMILY = AF_INET: default value, no update needed
Send a SIGHUP to inetd or xinetd so the (x)inetd.conf file will be reread.
No previous install detected. Performing a fresh install.
+ Extracting PDDE agent package (/tmp/NetBackup_7.5_CLIENTS/NBClients/anb/Clients/usr/openv/netbackup/client/Solaris/Solaris10/pddeagent.tar.gz)...
Using /tmp/pdde_pkg to store temporary package data.
Unpacking SYMCpddea package.
Checking for pre-existing SYMCpddea package.
Removing pre-existing SYMCpddea package.
Installing SYMCpddea package.
Creating /etc/pdregistry.cfg.
Saving a copy of the uninstall script to /opt/pdde/
Checking to see if the PDDE configuration needs upgrading
Agent config file path found: {/etc/puredisk/Agent.cfg}
Making changes to /usr/openv/lib/ost-plugins/pd.conf
RESTORE_DECRYPT_LOCAL already in pd.conf
PREFETCH_SIZE already in pd.conf
META_SEGKSIZE already in pd.conf
Making changes to /usr/openv/lib/ost-plugins/pd.conf
FIBRECHANNEL already in pd.conf
PDDE install finished successfully.
Version now installed:
Full PDDE installation log saved to: /var/log/puredisk/2013-07-16_13:08-pdde-install.log
The following automatic startup and shutdown scripts (respectively)
have been installed. They will cause the NetBackup daemons to be
automatically shut down and restarted each time the system boots.
Successfully updated the session cache parameters.
Starting vnetd...
Starting bpcd...
Starting nbftclnt...
Starting bmrbd...
Installation of Java LiveUpdate agent succeeded. Refer to file
/tmp/JLU-Log/JavaLiveUpdate-Install.log on afi-ssaerp2
for installation details.
Checking LiveUpdate registration for the following products: CLT
This may take a few minutes.
Product CLT is installed and will be registered.
Updating LiveUpdate registration now...this may take some time.
File /usr/openv/tmp/install_trace.20233 contains a trace of this install.
That file can be deleted after you are sure the install was successful.
you have mail
root@afi-ssaerp2 #
Uninstall Netbackup 7.5 Client on Solaris
root@afi-ssaerp2 # /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bp.kill_all
No NB/MM daemons appear to be running.
root@afi-ssaerp2 # /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vxlogcfg -r -p 51216
The configuration settings were removed successfully.
root@afi-ssaerp2 # /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nblu_registration -r
Checking LiveUpdate registration for products to be removed.
Product CLT will be removed from registration.
Updating LiveUpdate registration now...this may take some time.
# rm -rf *