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Thursday, June 27, 2019

Understanding file sizes | Bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB, EB, ZB, YB

Understanding file sizes Bytes 



A memory of a Computer is any physical device which is capable of storing information whether it is large or small and stores it temporarily or permanently. For example, Random Access Memory (RAM), is a type of volatile memory that stores information for a short interval of time, on an integrated circuit used by the operating system.
Types of various Units of Memory-
  • Byte
  • Kilo Byte
  • Mega Byte
  • Giga Byte
  • Tera Byte
  • Peta Byte
  • Exa Byte
  • Zetta Byte
  • Yotta Byte


In computer systems, a unit of data that is eight binary digits long is known as a byte.

Kilo Byte

The kilobyte is the smallest unit of memory measurement but greater than a byte.

Mega Byte

One megabyte is equal to 1, 000 KBs and antecedes the gigabyte(GB) unit of memory measurement.

Giga Byte

One gigabyte is equal to 1, 000 MBs and precedes the terabyte(TB) unit of memory measurement.

Tera Byte

One terabyte is equal to 1, 000 GBs and precedes the petabyte(PB) unit of memory measurement.

Peta Byte

One petabyte is equal to 1, 000 TBs and precedes the exabyte unit of memory measurement. 

Exa Byte

One exabyte is equal to 1, 000 PBs and precedes the zettabyte unit of memory measurement.

Zetta Byte

One zettabyte is equal to 1, 000 exabytes or 1021 or 1, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 bytes. 

Yotta Byte

One yottabyte is equal to 1, 000 zettabytes. It is the largest SI unit of memory measurement.

Tabular Representation of various Memory Sizes

Bit1 bit1/8
Nibble4 bits1/2 (rare)
Byte8 bits1
Kilobyte1024 bytes1024
Megabyte1, 024kilobytes1, 048, 576
Gigabyte1, 024 megabytes1, 073, 741, 824
Terabyte1, 024 gigabytes1, 099, 511, 627, 776
Petabyte1, 024 terabytes1, 125, 899, 906, 842, 624
Exabyte1, 024 petabytes1, 152, 921, 504, 606, 846, 976
Zettabyte1, 024 exabytes1, 180, 591, 620, 717, 411, 303, 424
Yottabyte1, 024 zettabytes1, 208, 925, 819, 614, 629, 174, 706, 176

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